Artificial Light for Plants – Full Product Info

Spectramax LED growlight models

Each of the 60, 120, and 180 LED units come with 4 different LED panel options: 1) Probloom, 2) Proveg, 3) Propack, and 4) Prospectrum.

Spectramax LED grow light

The underside of the 60 LED unit.

Spectramax LED Grow Light

The top of the 60 LED unit shows the 2 fan openings.

Spectramax 120 LED grow light

The underside of the 120 LED unit. This is the most popular unit.

Spectramax 120 LED unit

Each 120 LED unit comes with 4 quiet cooling fans.

Spectramax box

The units have special fully padded boxes designed to protect them during shipping.

New Spectramax

The unit comes wrapped in plastic and is packed with padding all around.


One might notice for a brief moment that the unit looks solid, cleanly constructed with all aluminum casing, and has tight seams. A power cord and stainless steel hangers come in the side pocket with the unit.

Spectramax power cord outlet and switch

On one side, you can see the power cord connection and the on/off switch.

Spectramax power cord

The power cord screws on with a stainless steel connector. This connection point can be used to connect multiple lights with a “Daisy Chain.”

Spectramax fixture

When you first receive the Spectramax fixture for the first time, there is an urgent curious desire to turn it on.

Spectramax Proveg

Just like the sun, it is not advised to look directly at artificial light for plants either. The Proveg unit has a “strong” vegetative spectrum, and a “mild” bloom spectrum. This helps with smooth transition from vegetative phase to blooming phase.

Spectramax with extra panels

If your unit comes with extra LED Proveg or Probloom modules, they will be shipped in a separate box.

Spectramax Propack

The Spectramax Propack unit comes with both the Proveg and the Probloom LED modules. The Proveg panel will come already installed.

Spectramax LEDs close up

A closer look at the LEDs shows the 90 degree lens with a protective clear cover.

Spectramax lens closeup

A relatively small percentage of artificial light for plants is lost through the lens, but the even, focused, dispersal of light provided by the lens allows the light to concentrate in the square footage of grow area where it is needed and used the most by your plants.

Spectramax Propack unit LED change

The LED modules can be replaced within minutes to change the spectrum. Full instructions on changing the LED modules are provided with the Spectramax Propack unit. The lens can be easily removed if desired.

Spectramax LED change with screwdriver

A good fitting Phillips screwdriver is the only tool required to change LED modules. It is faster to use an electric screwdriver, but use a light torque setting.

Spectramax LED change

All aluminum constructed LED modules and casing.

Spectramax led modules removed.

Be sure to unplug the power before Spectramax led modules are removed.

LED factory design

LED modules in the factory undergo longevity stress tests.

Spectramax Probloom Unit

Our Spectramax Probloom unit has a “mild” vegetative spectrum, and “strong” bloom spectrum. This helps prevent excess node lengthening during blooming and fruiting.

Spectramax Infrared

The infrared LEDs appear dimly lit to the human eye, but the light they make are used by plants.

Spectramax LED grow lights

Don’t delay, get started growing today!

SpectramaxLEDgrowlight3 LED vegetable production